Friday, November 28, 2008

Games: Cake Mania 2

I am not much of a Gamer. I remember when I was young, I used to enjoy saving the Princess on the original Mario Bros on Nintendo, then getting into Super Nintendo with Mario Bros. And Tetris. But that was it.

Now, I think I finally found something I enjoy playing. I play with a lot so they have games that you can play online. One day I was bored and decided to play Cake Mania 2 (which I think is the same company that invented Diner Dash).

The way you play the game is you make sure that you Profit by making customers cakes and taking care of all the customers at the same time. I love it. I get into it and I think I play pretty well. It can get pretty addicting! I think I have my own system down by now as well. I plan to get it on my DS.

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