Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Starbucks closes staff for Retraining

(Property of Comcast.net/AP)

First, Starbucks sales have been declining, then Starbucks closes for national company staff retraining today? I am not sure having a hard time finding the date. A lot of competitors took advantage of the fact that they had to close for retraining and either gave away coffee or sold it for cheap.

Anyway, believe or not, just this year I started drinking outside coffee...but being a huge coffee freak that I am I am surprised I hadn't drank at various coffee locations like Starbucks or Beans and Brew.

I don't quite understand the decline in the Starbucks craze...maybe it just losing its flavor...LOL no pun intended...the quality still tastes fine to me...I do prefer Beans and Brew sometimes because I get a Rewards card and I am all about the rewards and plus their coffee is good and its something different. Dunkin Donuts coffee, I am sorry but they suck, McDonalds coffee is actually really good and I LOVE 7-11 Coffee! But that is just my opinion ;)

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