Its TEEEE SHIRT TIME!! I freakin love this show! At first I did not want to watch it before just for the simple fact it was popular, but come Thanksgiving weekend, they were doing a marathon and nothing else was on and really got into it LOL! I love Snooki, she is just a cutie, at first I didn't really care for JWOWWW but she has her act together and she is a smart woman. Sammi is okay. Vinny is okay. Ronnie is simply beefcake ;) Kind of my type of dude, Pauly is just a sweetheart and The Situation is just freakin hilarious LOL!! I LOVE it when they say TEEE SHIRT TIME!!! LOL my favorite because GTL is just not my thing (Gym, Tan and Laundry). They are some real gorilla juice heads though LOL! I love their slang. Recommended bishes!!! : D
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